Yearly Archives: 2019

A Little Knowledge

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Worse than that is plain misinformation and sadly there's a lot of that doing the rounds.

Compost Bins

Soilfixer 1,000 litre compost bin report

I'm trialling the Soilfixer 1,000 litre compost bin which is from the same person, Tony Callaghan, who invented the Hotbin

Sorting out Greenhouse

Great Weather – Greenhouse Sorting

Bending the recovery rules a bit by sorting out the greenhouse. The aubergine, De-leafing the tomatoes and fantastic chilli peppers.


Cataract Operation No. 2

I had my second cataract operation last Tuesday - fantastic result and even better than the first one I had done five years ago,

Runner Beans

Harvesting & Freezing beans, Old tools, Cataract Operation

Harvesting and storing beans from the ploytunnel. My new 62 year old secateurs and another cataract operation tomorrow.

Charlotte & Arran Pilot Potatoes

Rough Weather, Blight, Scab, Cool Compost

The weather is frightful, the spuds have blight and scab, the compost won't heat up and to cap it off the solar panel is bigger than expected. Chin up!

Mystery Weed Roots Zoom

Can You Help Identify These Mystery Roots?

I had this email from Tom asking for help identifying these roots growing in his plot. Any help welcome!

Polytunnel Ventilation Watering Control

Automated Polytunnel Ventilation & Watering

This system controls watering as well as ventilation / temperature in a polytunnel using a miniature computer and solar powered fans and pumps.

Windbreak Palisade Fence

The Great Wooden Wall of Wales!

The windbreak fencing is now up so I can build the greenhouse without fear of it blowing down.. again. How to build it.

Metaldehyde slug pellets ban reversed

In a surprise move, the High Court in London found in favour of Chiltern Farm Chemicals and reversed the ban imposed on metaldehyde slug pellets

Uchiki Kuri Squash

Composting, Slugs, Snails, Aphids & Ants

Compost not heating up as I want, an army of slugs and snails and to top it off a plague of ants. At least the squash is looking good.

growing questions answers

Growing Questions & Answers July 2019

Just a few questions this month. Aphid infestations, chilli peppers and a problem with potatoes.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

We all look for value but there are times when saving a few pennies costs pounds in the end.

Invasion of the Army of Molluscs

Never mind The Walking Dead or The Exorcist tonight I saw true horror slithering over paths and plot leaving trails of slime behind them!

Soilfixer Super Compost Bin

Better Easier Composting, Biochar & Humification

Two new compost bins arrive along with some additive to improve the compost quality by increasing humus and some biochar.

Permaculture Pumpkins

Using some alternative methods to break in new land whilst still using it to grow squash and pumpkins.

Why do I bother?

There are times when I wonder why I spend time, effort and money on growing my own veggies. Is it really worth the bother?

greenhouse storm damage f

Another Eden Greenhouse

The old greenhouse has been replaced so all I've got to do is build it and a windbreak to protect it.

growing questions answers

Growing Questions & Answers 3 June 2019

What wood to use for raised beds, then a heartfelt plea for help with white rot on the plot. Composting question.. can you compost a synthetic duvet?

Powdery Mildew Cucumber

Courgette Problems & Allium Leaf Miner

A couple of readers wrote in about problems with their courgettes and another has lost his entire onion crop to allium leaf miner.

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