Merry Tiller to the Rescue, Pigeon Problems
Shouting at pigeons because I lack killer instinct even when they are caught eating my brassicas and the Merry Tiller to the rescue next door.
Shouting at pigeons because I lack killer instinct even when they are caught eating my brassicas and the Merry Tiller to the rescue next door.
The mantis problem resolved easily is the good news and the Alicante trip was a disaster the bad news. Weeding plot 29 and natural pest control team at work.
Allotment Competition update, tidying up plot 5 and harvesting Japanese onions plus problems with the Mantis and new people on the site
First potatoes, fighting fungal blight and wondering where all the water went as well as admiring Wistaston's answer to Glastonbury festival. Plus my prediction for the allotment competition.
Problems on the site, entering the competition and planting beans in the rain. Plus the frustrations of plans being thwarted by inconsiderate customers.
A little weeding followed by harvesting strawberries with three little helpers.
An away day in France with a quick tour of the French DIY store Leroy Merlin who seem to take gardening a bit more seriously than our stores.
If at first you don?t succeed, sow some more cauliflowers. A visit to a posh garden centre and sorting the greenhouse.
Catching up when the day cooled down and wondering if tis is going to be a bumper year or a disaster year on the allotment.
Moaning about London, cloches back to the shed and special offers in the allotment shop,
Self sufficient in potatoes but threats on the horizon. The onions force me into a choice I?m not happy with although I think it was the best option and the Merry Tiller helps out again
A good weekend on the plot so starting to catch up but a mysterious blight on some onions is concerning me. A quick status check on the plot, taking stock
Featuring my new addition to the culinary repertoire, baby cauliflower. 5 to the portion. Cut down the rest of the comfrey and planting out more brassicas, which I hope will do better.
Son of Sid in the compost heap and the two man tent cloche is up. At least the comfrey is doing well so the major cut begins. Concerns over the onions as some are having problems.