Growing Cauliflowers Re-visited

Cauliflowers Revisited

After the death of my All Year Round cauliflowers, which I now put down to someone on the site casting evil spells due to being jealous of how well they were doing before I planted them out, there’s still time for another go.

We took Val’s dad out this afternoon to Trentham Gardens and had a walk around their garden centre. It?s extremely posh, very nicely presented indeed. Trentham Gardens have been there for many years, my father used to go to dances there before I was born. It fell into disrepair but is being restored and developed and becoming a massive tourist attraction once again.

I found some organic compost activator at 2.99 for 4 Kg, which seemed like a good price and some cauliflower seeds Pavilion F1 Hybrid, which have an RHS Award of Garden Merit and should be sown May / June. (T&M)

They were quite expensive at 2.69 for 30 seeds but I?m hoping the quality will repay me with some really good cauliflowers.

The packet states “Well-protected, solid, deep curds that keep their quality over an extra long period. An Australian variety which is a vigorous, generous cropper, producing curds from mid-September through October?

With an advert like that, how could I resist? Sowed a dozen seeds in 3? square pots, so I can measure germination and give each one the best possible start. Being really sad, I counted the remaining seeds and there were 34 in the pack, better than the average 30 stated.

Next job at home was some sorting out of the now very overcrowded greenhouse. Some tomatoes had to go outside, as there isn?t room for them inside. If the weather is allows, I must really work on erecting the greenhouse on the plot – I badly need the room not to mention the surrounding area that is covered with greenhouse parts

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