Monthly Archives: April 2007

Planting Sweetcorn & Moving Brassicas Along

The best of the brassicas get moved into bigger pots and most of the sweetcorn is planted out under cloches on the plot.

Planted Sarpo Potatoes and Comfrey Growing Well

The comfrey is growing, the rest of the potatoes are planted and I even got a shot of my friend the robin.

Compost Moved, Tomatoes too, Planted King Edward Potatoes

Finished moving the compost and planted up three rows of King Edward maincrop potatoes. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the tomatoes got moved up into 3" pots. And bopping on the plot.

Growing Vegetables in Pots & Containers

Two new articles about growing vegetables in containers. Not everyone has a garden but you can still grow a surprising amount just in a pot. So even if you only have a balcony, you can enjoy some home grown veg.

Container Growing Vegetables Lecture

I attended a fascinating lecture on container growing of vegetables tonight. It is fantastic and surprising what you can manage to grow in containers.

New Compost Delivery Arrives

When I looked at the half load of compost delivered in front of plot 5, half of me thought 'great' and the sensible half thought 'here comes more back aches'

Keeping Turkeys on a Small Scale

Katie Thear has been writing about poultry and animal husbandry for many years and is an acknowledged expert in the field. The latest book in her ‘Starting With’ series is Starting with Turkeys. Well illustrated and with full colour photographs,

Mantis Tiller Saves Time – Not! Plus Help Your Hedgehog

How the Mantis Tiller should have saved me time but the ten minute job took an hour! Plus an appeal for you to help our friends the hedgehogs with some water in this dry spell.

Topsy Turvey Tomatoes Planter

This is something I've never seen before, an upside down tomato planter that is said to increase yields and bring the crop on two weeks faster than conventional methods.

Broad Beans, Onions, Potting On and Percy Pigeon

Planting out the broad beans and onions, sowing more peas and a visit from a right royal pigeon. It's all go on the allotment now.

Soil Improving and Sowing, Allotment Chat

Getting busy now on the plot, erecting the cloche tent, sowing carrots in the greenhouse and back to humping compost piles around. Must be mad, there is more compost coming.

Sowing Parsnips and Saladings

Sowing spring onions, radishes, lettuce and salad leaves, beetroot, turnips and parsnips. Despite the clouds, a really nice afternoon.

Preparing Beds Using Compost Planting Jerusalem Artichokes

Preparing deep beds, planting Jerusalem artichokes and repairing greenhouse glass. The effect of a relatively small amount of compost on soil condition.

More Chitted Sweetcorn and the National Vegetable Society

International discussions on the chitting of sweetcorn and a great night at the National vegetable Society meeting about permaculture.

Chitting Sweetcorn, Greenhouse Vent and Howard Dragon

Sowing the chitted sweetcorn, sowing peas in guttering, fitting an automatic greenhouse window opener and Dave's wonderful Howard Dragon Rotovator.

Scarecrows, Rats and Onions

Super ballet dancing scarecrow - you could not make this up - rats in the compost heap and moving more onions when I could escape the power of the machines.

A Rational Response to Global Warming

Global warming is real and dangerous to us all but taking human nature into account what is a rational course of action?

Catching Up On The Seed Sowing

Catching up with the seed sowing and re-sowing where I failed earlier. Chitting sweetcorn, potting on onions and carrot and parsnip mash.

BBQs and a Gas Cooker for the Shed

Busy Outdoors launch their online shop offering everything from Tents to Towing equipment. It's offering some great bargains on BBQs and a portable gas cooker, ideal for the posh allotment shed.

Transplanting Onions and Sowing Leeks

Moving the onions along, transplanting from the tray into modules and sowing leeks. Plus a look at the large onions progress.

April 2007

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