Chill Out in the Heatwave
Trialling some interesting supplements, coping with a heatwave and adding to the straw mulch around the potatoes with grass clippings.
Trialling some interesting supplements, coping with a heatwave and adding to the straw mulch around the potatoes with grass clippings.
The joys of cats in the greenhouse, sheep in the polytunnel and potatoes on the plate plus keeping things wet and cool.
Strawberry troughs on the stand sorted out, potatoes almost ready to start harvesting in the tunnel and tomatoes starting up the strings in the greenhouse.
Planted a Welsh cherry tree in the tunnel, moved the leeks on and the sheep deny eating the rowan saplings.
I've been measuring the temperatures in the polytunnel and discovered just how high it can shoot up to in the morning sunshine.
Finally got the computer back after it exploded but my time offline has been put to good use.