Parsnips, Carrots and Salsify plus One of Those Days
If it can go wrong, it will and today was the day for it. From computers to runner beans, nothing seems to be going according to plan. Running so far behind, I wonder if I will catch up at all.
If it can go wrong, it will and today was the day for it. From computers to runner beans, nothing seems to be going according to plan. Running so far behind, I wonder if I will catch up at all.
This weekend there is bad news on the cauliflowers, a plot inspection from my gardening guru and fettling (from the Middle English fet len ? to make ready) the part for the greenhouse. Plus the super cloche bargain buy.
Transporting plants from home to plot and trying to rescue the sweetcorn. Plot five attempts to emulate a paddy field, which hampers planting further
Between the rain and the plague, the allotment is getting pretty neglected. The list of things to do grows longer but it is like a marsh on the site.
An evening in the potting shed, moving the brassicas on and the tomatoes into my large bargain pots. A deluge from the skies as the radio talks of drought orders and my sovereign cold remedy.
Everything is rushing along to catch up from the slow start this year and I'm trying to keep pace. Started planting out the sweetcorn as well
The trauma of working through a beautiful day and the joys of sneaking off early to the plot to plant onions and brassicas
The greenhouse threatens to never be erected and has, in fact, taken a step backwards as I have to remove bits as a template! At least the Mantis worked for me.
The greenhouse construction project stalled unexpectedly just as it seemed to be going so well. Plan B failed so onto plan C!
Greenhouse construction hardly goes smoothly and the shocking price of nuts and bolts drives up my blood pressure. Plus some lawn care at home which involves a rather distasteful job.
Building the greenhouse base from timber beams and too much chatting and drinking tea on the plot so not too much work was achieved.
Southerly wind breaks greenhouse glass and I get ready to start construction. Also make a start on planting out the brassicas.