Potatoes Sarpo Mira, Sarpo Axona, Anya and Adora
The hard job of placing a potato order and how I gave up ordering garlic! First visit to the plot for a while and a greenhouse.
The hard job of placing a potato order and how I gave up ordering garlic! First visit to the plot for a while and a greenhouse.
New gates on the site and a chicken house coming. Plus my thoughts on the new black death.
Wildlife on the site, final potatoes harvested and started spreading leafmould.
Killing Horsetail, cutting green manure and wondering about the warm weather. Plus changes to the web site.
Amazing news.. John plants a flowery thing! Plus a worthwhile urban garden scheme
Planting Japanese onion sets, carrots and wonderful parsnip, back and forth with compost material.
Victory! The chicken war is over. We can now keep chickens on the allotment
Fresh leeks for tea and planted the field beans on plot 29
Weeding on a beautiful sunny day and I get my prize. Cutting the green manure mustard
Returned from sunny Spain to find grey skies and fast growing weeds and ripened tomatoes