Tomatoes, Fruit Trees, Brassicas, Composting
Greenhouse tomatoes planted in border, fruit trees in heavy blossom, brassicas planted out and a Garden Tiger Moth woolly bear caterpillar!
Greenhouse tomatoes planted in border, fruit trees in heavy blossom, brassicas planted out and a Garden Tiger Moth woolly bear caterpillar!
I did a little research on using tea leaves from spent tea bags in the garden bearing in mind the use of plastic in tea bag production
Greenhouse border refreshed ready to plant. Grass areas scarified and fed to reduce the moss that was swamping it.
Comparing S-Chelate 12 Star with Nutrigrow fertilisers in continuous feed systems like wicking pots and hydroponic systems.
Saturday was absolutely lovely here, blue skies and sunshine, so a chance to get ahead on some of the outside jobs.
I’ve finished refurbishing the Vitavia greenhouse. Hopefully it will continue giving good service for many years to come despite the storms
Planting potatoes in front of the brassica tunnel, greenhouse glazing and washing, bay tree bed planted and parsley.
Thetford council are considering displacing 138 allotment holders at Mundford Road to build on. The plot holders are not happy.