Brassicas, Tomatoes, Rent Victory
Brassica seedlings awaiting better weather, tomatoes needing more headroom as they grow and a victory for allotment holders,
Brassica seedlings awaiting better weather, tomatoes needing more headroom as they grow and a victory for allotment holders,
I have found a Nutrigrow replacement fertiliser which is actually better and easier to store and use, Bumper crops with less hassle!
Bad weather doesn't stop me from getting on in the potting shed. Brassicas doing particularly well and the tomatoes aren't bad either.
Cold snap and snow arrive, seedlings germinating and doing well in the heated propagators. Grow lights in action again.
Started sowing under heat in the propagators. North wind doth blow and we will have snow. Farmers warning about food supply problems.
Allotment holders in Hatfield are facing a 300% price hike on the rent. The council tells them rents will treble this year.
Preparing for the new growing season by getting the potting shed cleared for action and setting the potatoes out to chit.