Vegetable Growing, Allotmenting, Preserving & Storing, Jams & Keeping Poultry / Chickens!
As you probably gathered from the site, we’ve been living a frugal life and growing vegetables for over 40 years. In our books we simply share our experience and knowledge.
Take control of your life, grow your own food and preserve it.
The first book, Vegetable Growing Month by Month, has become one of the most popular gardening books in the UK because it gives straightforward advice for growing vegetables. Whether you are growing on a patio in containers or an allotment plot, there’s help in here.
You can buy copies direct from us or you can buy from online bookstores like Amazon. The books are also available from all good bookstores and now in many garden centres as well.
Crop Rotation – Three, Four, and Five Year Planning eBook
Original price was: £2.75.£1.25Current price is: £1.25.This guide is aimed to help you create your own crop rotation based on what you want to grow. It includes three, four, and five year plans; plus detailed plant family and group lists to aid you in your planning.
This is a digital product.
eBook only £1.25 until 28/02/25
Seeds: A Guide to Germination and Storage
Original price was: £2.75.£1.25Current price is: £1.25.Seeds: A Guide to Germination and Storage will help you get the most out of your seeds – meaning better crops and saving you money too.
This is a digital product.
eBook only £1.25 until 28/02/25
Potatoes – A Guide to Growing, Harvesting, and Storing Potatoes eBook
Original price was: £3.75.£1.75Current price is: £1.75.Potatoes – A Guide to Growing, Harvesting, and Storing Potatoes is the first in a series of more in depth guides on growing your own, storing the harvest, and cooking up the fruits of your labour.
This is a digital product.
eBook Only £1.75 until 28/02/25
Dig For Victory Monthly Guides
£16.99The Wartime Growing Guides in One Paperback Volume
By following these guides, even a complete novice can put fresh wholesome food on the family’s table all year round. The campaign may not have been as dramatic as the Battle of Britain but was just as vital to the eventual victory.
£16.99 PLUS two FREE eBooks & Wartime Leaflets
The Essential Allotment Guide
£9.99The Essential Allotment Guide is aimed at those with an allotment, looking for an allotment or growing on a larger plot. Get the most from your allotment. How to find and choose a plot, what to grow and where.
£9.99 – Free UK Delivery and with two eBooks!
Vegetable Growing Month by Month
£9.99Best selling guide to growing your own. Monthly task lists and general help and tips. Straightforward, down to earth advice for all
FREE eBook & Free UK Delivery
Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces
£10.99A straightforward guide to growing your own in containers, pots, small gardens etc. Planning and cultivation for maximum yields.
£10.99 – Free UK Delivery
Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry
£10.99For those thinking of keeping or currently keeping chickens or other poultry such as ducks, quail, turkeys or geese in a back garden
£10.99 – Free UK Delivery
Low Cost Living – Live Better Spend Less
£8.99Live Better but Spend Less A practical guide to greener living through being frugal. Enjoy a better lifestyle by saving expense.
£8.99 – Free UK Delivery
Easy Jams, Chutneys and Preserves
£10.99The bestselling guide to making jams and chutneys etc. Packed with tested, proven recipes, tips, help and interesting facts.
£10.99 – Free UK Delivery
How to Store Your Home Grown Produce
£9.99A practical guide for those growing their own vegetables and fruit on how to safely store the surplus and avoid waste
£9.99 – Free UK Delivery
Storing the Harvest eBook
£4.75Storing the Harvest – a helping-hand through the Summer months; guiding you on how best to store each fruit and vegetable as the inevitable gluts arrive.
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eBook only £4.75
Rationed Christmas eBook
£2.75Rationed Christmas – it is possible to eat very well indeed on little money using these frugal war-time ration recipes. With commentary by John Harrison.
This is a digital product.
eBook only £2.75
Allotment Garden Growing Though the Seasons – Winter Guide
£4.75The Allotment Garden Growing Through the Seasons – Winter Guide is your helping hand on the plot through the darkest of Seasons.
This is a digital product.
eBook £4.75