The Essential Allotment Guide


The Essential Allotment Guide is aimed at those with an allotment, looking for an allotment or growing on a larger plot. Get the most from your allotment. How to find and choose a plot, what to grow and where.

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From the author of one of the UK’s best selling gardening books, Vegetable Growing Month by Month, The Essential Allotment Guide is aimed at those with an allotment, looking for an allotment or growing on a larger plot and is complimentary to Vegetable Growing Month by Month.

Britain’s greatest allotment authority” – Emma Townshend in the Independent on Sunday

The Essential Allotment Guide

The Essential Allotment Guide

£9.99 plus Free UK Delivery and with two eBooks!

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Chapter List for The Essential Allotment Guide

  • Why Get an Allotment
    What do you get from an allotment?
  • A Brief History of Allotments
    It’s a fascinating subject, but I’ve kept it to the point!
  • How to Find and Choose an Allotment
    It’s the big problem for many, so some tips to help you find and sneak up the waiting list.
  • How Much Time Does an Allotment Take?
    You need to know what you are letting yourself in for
  • Pests and Problems
    Not just the bugs and so on, some advice on the two legged rats as well.
  • Health and Safety
    You need to know a few bits so your hobby doesn’t end you up in hospital
  • Children on the Plot
    Allotments provide a great opportunity for children, both learning and social.
  • Planning the Plot
    You need to know what you are going to do
  • Clearing the Plot
    The other big one. You take on your plot and the weeds are hiding the trees!
  • Constructions on the Plot
    Greenhouses, sheds, coldframes and so forth. DIY
  • Livestock
    Allotments are not just vegetables, you can keep poultry or even bees on many sites.
  • Tools, Equipment and Techniques
    What you need, what you want and how to use them
  • Manures, Fertilizers and Compost
    What they are, what to do and how to use them
  • Vegetables
    A brief guide to growing various vegetables
  • Fruit
    A brief guide to growing fruit
  • Sowing and Harvesting Chart
    A quick guide as what to do when
  • Saving Your Own Seed
    Frugal lot, allotmenteers – here’s how to save a few bob
  • Glossary
    Gardener’s have their own jargon and specialist words, hence a short jargon busting glossary.
  • Further Information and Contacts
  • Index

The Essential Allotment Guide

The Essential Allotment Guide

£9.99 – Free UK Delivery and with two eBooks!

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What others say about The Essential Allotment Guide

Another great little book from Mr Harrison, … The Essential Allotment Guide is written with the gardener in mind, with simple and concise information on subjects like how to get a plot, not always as easy as it sounds! Clear that jungle of a plot you have just leased and turn it into a productive oasis.
I’ve been an allotment holder for years and wish I’d have had this to hand when I started out. So glad I’ve got it now, who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
In his work Mr Harrison’s love for gardening comes forth as does his enthusiasm for cost effective food growing. Not a coffee table book but a real book for reading and using.
All in all a lovely book

Amazon Review

I love John’s writing style, it is friendly and chatty and easy to read. It has all the information you need to get you started on your allotment, from clearing it to getting it into delicious production.

It has all the information that would take years to learn from chatting to your plot neighbours, so will get any new gardener off to a flying start. It can teach the experienced gardener a thing or two as well.

Amazon Review

Easy to read and informative. Great for the first time allotment holder and the experienced grower alike… but instead concentrates on the veg growing itself in a straight forward writing style. Really good value for money.

Amazon Review

The Essential Allotment Guide

The Essential Allotment Guide

£9.99 – Free UK Delivery and with two eBooks!

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Reviews for Our Books

Britain’s greatest allotment authority
Emma Townshend in the
Independent on Sunday

I think it’s just great. Another down to earth book for down to earth people,
teaching not preaching how it’s done.
Mr R W Braker

Forget about any glossy pictures, what’s in this book is solid
words of advice, written in plain to understand English from a grower who’s had
frustrating years of experience behind him in trying to grow nutritious vegetables,
whilst at the same time running a business and raising a family.
Medwyn Williams
Winner of 10 RHS Gold Medals
at Chelsea for vegetables

I’ve never made jams, chutneys etc. before but can’t stop now. This book
makes it so easy. Takes all the fear out of jam making.
Mrs S Collett

An informative book based on lots of practical experience and with loads
of top tips, as well as a wide range of delicious recipes.
C Pickard