Allotment Garden Growing Though the Seasons – Winter Guide


The Allotment Garden Growing Through the Seasons – Winter Guide is your helping hand on the plot through the darkest of Seasons.

This is a digital product.

eBook £4.75

When the weather starts to chill and the daylight hours dwindle it is easy to think that your days on the plot will be few and far between. However, there is still plenty of life there and harvests to be had.

On the more dreary days it is the perfect time to plan and prepare no matter how experienced a grower you are.

With the guide in hand you’ll know just what to do on the plot or in the garden through the Winter months. This jam-packed eBook includes:

  • Monthly overviews for December, January and February;
  • A monthly Focus Task to help keep you ahead on the plot;
  • Sowing, Planting & Harvesting guides for each month;
  • Information on Greenhouse Growing for each month;
  • General Garden Tasks through the Season;
  • Plus a Harvest Recipe Section with delicious seasonal recipes to make the most of your harvest too!

I’ve been growing for nearly 50 years now. Hopefully my experience that I put in my books will help guide you through the year on the allotment and in the vegetable garden.

I know that for new growers in particular, it can feel overwhelming knowing where to start. I try to be a steadying hand for them. For the more experienced, possibly some tips and tricks that were missed or forgotten.

The tried and tested seasonal recipes are ones we love as written but we’ve popped in alternatives where we can for vegetarians and vegans. We’ve also put some some gluten-free alternatives in, far better than the cardboard tasting ‘free from’ options in the supermarkets.

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Special Offer!

We are also including our Winter Guide Printables for free! These full colour printouts will help you keep your seed catalogue in order, plan out your plot, and even have space to scribble your favourite recipes and meal plans too.

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This is a digital product. When you complete your purchase you will receive an email with download links and instructions for your eBook. Digital Product sales are non-refundable once completed and downloaded. This eBook is not part of our seed promotion.

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Reviews for Our Books

Britain’s greatest allotment authority
Emma Townshend in the
Independent on Sunday

I think it’s just great. Another down to earth book for down to earth people,
teaching not preaching how it’s done.
Mr R W Braker

Forget about any glossy pictures, what’s in this book is solid
words of advice, written in plain to understand English from a grower who’s had
frustrating years of experience behind him in trying to grow nutritious vegetables,
whilst at the same time running a business and raising a family.
Medwyn Williams
Winner of 10 RHS Gold Medals
at Chelsea for vegetables

I’ve never made jams, chutneys etc. before but can’t stop now. This book
makes it so easy. Takes all the fear out of jam making.
Mrs S Collett

An informative book based on lots of practical experience and with loads
of top tips, as well as a wide range of delicious recipes.
C Pickard