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Articles & Advice

Allotment Garden TV

Exclusive gardening videos  along with selected public videos that we think you’ll like and find useful made by me, John Harrison, and some by great gardening experts like Sam Youd, head gardener and Simon Tetlow deputy head gardener at the world famous Tatton Park Gardens. They cover quite a range of subjects, from planting potatoes to propagating a camellia from leaf bud cuttings.

Garden Advice by Month

Garden Advice by Month

Includes: 12 Pages
This series of monthly guides tell you what to do now on your plot and what you should have been done and will have to do growing fruit and vegetables.
Vegetable Growing

Vegetable Growing

Includes: 120 Pages
These vegetable growing guides and articles are designed to introduce you to the main facts needed when growing the individual vegetables.
Fruit Growing

Fruit Growing

Includes: 40 Pages
Articles and Guides to Fruit Growing designed to introduce you to the main facts needed when growing the individual fruits from Apples to Whitecurrants
Herb Growing

Herb Growing

Includes: 23 Pages
These articles on herb growing should give you basic guidance to enable you to grow your own culinary and medicinal herbs. Includes a herb garden plan
Nut Growing

Nut Growing

Includes: 4 Pages
Brief Guides to nut growing designed to give you the main facts needed when growing the individual nuts - walnuts, hazel, chestnuts, almonds etc
Vegetable Show Growing

Vegetable Show Growing

Includes: 18 Pages
An introduction to show growing vegetables for showing at village shows, horticultural shows and the national championships by John Trim
Container Growing

Container Growing

Includes: 7 Pages
Container growing or Pot Gardening from our growing help and advice. Guides to growing vegetables, fruit and herbs and hints and tips for better results.
Gardening Information

Gardening Information

Includes: 104 Pages
A selection of general gardening information articles from constructing paths to weed control. Many of these articles have sub-articles.
Rotavator Manuals

Rotavator Manuals

Includes: 2 Pages
Old Rotavator, cultivator, tiller, engine manuals, spares lists, instructions for Briggs Stratton, Tehcumseh, Honda, Flymo, Howard, Merry Tiller etc
Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation

Includes: 11 Pages
Crop rotation is one of those things that are simple in theory but quite complicated in practice. These articles will explain and simplify it for you
Composts & Fertilisers

Composts & Fertilisers

Includes: 56 Pages
Articles to do with improving the soil, making and using composts and fertilisers, using organic and inorganic fertiliser, composition of fertilisers etc
Greenhouse Growing

Greenhouse Growing

Includes: 16 Pages
These articles are all about growing in greenhouses, buying and building greenhouses, coldframes etc. Once you have a greenhouse, you'll never look back
Gardening in Spain Portugal Italy & Hot Countries

Gardening in Spain Portugal Italy & Hot Countries

Includes: 7 Pages
These articles written from a Spanish perspective are valuable to anyone gardening in a hot climate – Spain, Italy, Southern France, Portugal etc.
Polytunnel Growing

Polytunnel Growing

Includes: 15 Pages
Organic polytunnel growing is a great alternative to greenhouse growing but best used along with a greenhouse to get the most from both Monthly to-do guides
Allotment Information

Allotment Information

Includes: 32 Pages
Articles specific to allotments rather than general vegetable growing or gardening. Allotment information, articles, history, law, allotment help, advice.


Includes: 7 Pages
I firmly believe that comfrey, specifically the Bocking 14 strain developed by L D Hills founder of the HDRA is very under rated by gardeners and farmers
Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Includes: 20 Pages
My reviews of various products I've bought or been given. I'm happy to test on the understanding my product reviews of them will be truthful and unbiased.
Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Includes: 84 Pages
When you look along the shelves of your local book store and online at the books offered, it's difficult to decide what to buy. We review books for you .
Links to Useful Sites

Links to Useful Sites

With the best will in the world, no single web site can cover everything so we've linked to other web sites that we hope you'll find interesting and useful.

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