What we’ve done is to review books for you and recommend the ones we think will be helpful.
By each review there is an Amazon link, if you click through and buy from Amazon they pay a small commission, which helps support the web site.
If you find a book you think our visitors would like to read, please let me know – contact page Publishers Please Note: We welcome books to review but will only guarantee to review them honestly. Some publishers seem to think sending us a book entitles them to a 5 star review!
A selection of hand picked books on how to live frugally and green. What people don't realise is quite often these go hand-in-hand as often the cheapest way to live is also the most environmentally sustainable.
Our Frugal Living and Green Books
This Selection of gardening, cooking, and other DVDs are ones we have found useful and enjoyed watching.
Gardening and Other DVDs we Like
Other Book Reviews Etc
We review and suggest books on general gardening that you will hopefully find of interest and value.
There are a large number of gardening books around but these are the really useful ones that you'll take down from the shelf again and again.
A selection of books for those looking to keep livestock in the garden, on the plot, on a smallholding, or if lucky enough on a small-scale farm.
Our Livestock on a Small Scale Books
Livestock on a Small Scale Books we Like
Other Book Reviews...
We review and recommend recipe, cooking and food preserving books that we like and find useful and go back to time after time whilst trendy books by celebrities get left on the shelf until going to the charity shop!
Our Cooking & Preserving Books...
Whether you have a small back garden or a dozen acres there are ways to increase your self sufficiency. These are a hand picked selection of books on self sufficiency and sustainable living that we have read and found useful.
Our book on Sustainable...
We're interested in how all our food is made and controlled. In some ways these are political books and in others informative.
The Politics of Food Books we Like
Other Sections in Book Reviews
A hand picked selection of books on vegetable and fruit growing from the best authors. With the increase in popularity of grow your own, there's a need for straightforward practical advice. These books are practical and worth a place on any vegetable...
Nature can be a bountiful provider of free food if you know where to look. Foraging can be such a fun and productive activity, but knowing what is edible and what should be avoided is really important.
This selection of books will help guide you as...
We review and recommend books about allotments and allotmenting rather than about growing on an allotment.
These are books we like and think you may find interesting or just a good fun read.
Some are useful, covering the administration and running...
In theory growing your own on an allotment is no different technically to growing your own on a garden plot. But in practice there is a difference. For a start, woe betide the allotment plot holder who allows weeds to seed over the site!
Anyway, these...
Beekeeping, especially urban beekeeping, is becoming increasingly popular and increasingly vital to our food supply as the general bee population declines.
Without bees to pollinate them our crop production will be greatly reduced if not wiped out.
Although our own book on keeping chickens & poultry is popular and well spoken of, it's always helpful to get another opinion so these our our recommendations.
Our own book was written basically for the novice keeping poultry in the back garden...
It's a sign of the times on our crowded island that people are more interested in growing their own in small spaces, pots and containers. Hence these reviews of helpful books on the subject.
Having found ourselves with a concrete garden at one...