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Allotment Information

Allotments past, present & future – Information

These articles are specific to allotments rather than general vegetable growing or gardening. Allotment information, articles, history, allotment help and advice. Suggestions, comments and contributions are really welcome.

Allotment Information

Allotment & Garden Paths

Allotment & Garden Paths

Most allotment sites have two sorts of path, the permanent paths that separate one plot from another and paths on the plots themselves, usually defining sections or beds. As with most things on allotments, the paths tend to be a bit rough and ready using...
Allotment Growing as You Get Older

Allotment Growing as You Get Older

What to do with the allotment when it starts to get too much or you get older! By Dick Handscombe a 76 year old allotment holder We all eventually grow older and at some time we may start to feel that an allotment is getting too much for us...
Allotment History - A Brief History of Allotments in the UK

Allotment History - A Brief History of Allotments in the UK

This article covers what an allotment is, how allotments came about and some general information about allotments. What is an Allotment? In the UK, allotments are small parcels of land rented to individuals usually for the purpose of growing food crops....
Allotment History - Cultivating a 19th Century Allotment by Dr Lesley Acton MA Ph.D

Allotment History - Cultivating a 19th Century Allotment by Dr Lesley Acton MA Ph.D

If you think an allotment is a lot of work today, spare a thought for those poor plot holders of yesteryear who had a much tougher time and were far more dependent on the crops the allotment provided to feed their family Preparing the Ground Once...
Allotment History - The First Allotments by Dr Lesley Acton MA Ph.D

Allotment History - The First Allotments by Dr Lesley Acton MA Ph.D

Allotments were conceived as a way to alleviate the distress of the rural poor. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, many rural labourers lost their land and jobs. The misfortunes of those workers had been largely blamed on the process of enclosure....
Allotment Journey - A Step to Sustainable Living

Allotment Journey - A Step to Sustainable Living

This article is courtesy of Stephen Watts aka Maxsalad. He grows in Sheffield, England and is into organic growing, sustainable living and even writes poetry. My Journey on Allotments Three years ago in October I decided to share an allotment...
Allotment Regeneration - Case Study

Allotment Regeneration - Case Study

Ford Lane Allotments could have won a prize as the worse site in the area. A few struggling plot holders on patches surround by derelict land with falling down sheds, piles of rubble and worse. Even the keenest gardener would not...
Allotments & Children

Allotments & Children

I found this article about children on allotments by Tim Love on the internet and the author kindly agreed to allow me to place it on this site. Although aimed at children on allotments there is quite a lot that applies to children gardening generally....
Allotments & The Law - Legal Aspects of An Allotment

Allotments & The Law - Legal Aspects of An Allotment

A look at allotment letting agreements, what these agreements cover and the legal aspects of leasing an allotment. By Sarah Gill , legal blogger from Clickdocs , one of the UK’s leading on-line suppliers of professionally drafted legal documents. C...
Allotments - Some Tips to Get You Started

Allotments - Some Tips to Get You Started

This article is courtesy of Stephen Watts aka Maxsalad. He grows in Sheffield, England and is into organic growing, sustainable living and even writes poetry. If you can’t grow in your back garden (most of us) find the allotment site that is as c...
Clearing a New Allotment or Vegetable Plot

Clearing a New Allotment or Vegetable Plot

This article really covers both taking on a new allotment and converting any piece of ground like an old lawn to a productive vegetable plot. Usually the new allotment holder discovers he's (or she) got the worst one on the site or at best one that has...
Cuban Vegetable Growing Practices can Benefit your Allotments

Cuban Vegetable Growing Practices can Benefit your Allotments

Some differences between Cuban and British allotments By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe who have grown vegetables for a combined 120 years since the age of five including on mini plots, school vegetable gardens, allotment size vegetable gardens and eventually...
Finding an Allotment - How to Find an Allotment

Finding an Allotment - How to Find an Allotment

How to find an allotment plot In this internet age, most people will start their search for an allotment at Google but that's probably not the best way. I'd suggest more traditional methods will be more effective. After all, the local site rep is...
Health and Safety in the Allotment & Garden

Health and Safety in the Allotment & Garden

At the risk of sounding like Granny warning of dangers whatever you do, I think it is worth considering a few points when on your allotment or gardening. Tetanus or Lockjaw This very serious infection is caused by a bacterium that lives in the soil...
Here is How Having and Maintaining a Back Garden Allotment Could Help You to Sell Your Home

Here is How Having and Maintaining a Back Garden Allotment Could Help You to Sell Your Home

There are a range of qualities and attributes that can help to sell a property – these are often referred to as features. A feature can be anything from a hard wood floor, to a statement window. It could even be that the architecture of your home is u...
How to Create a Charming Sitting Area in Your Allotment

How to Create a Charming Sitting Area in Your Allotment

An allotment garden isn’t just a place for growing fruit and vegetables, but it can also serve as a sanctuary for relaxation and enjoyment. Designing a sitting area within your allotment can transform it into a serene and peaceful retreat that’s perfect for...
How to Ensure the Security of your Allotment

How to Ensure the Security of your Allotment

This article looks at allotment security from another angle, concentrating on security fencing and discussing various types. The security of your allotment is paramount if you want to protect the contents of your shed, your produce and any livestock...
How To Pick The Right Shed For Your Allotment

How To Pick The Right Shed For Your Allotment

So, you have just gotten your allotment, or maybe you’ve even had one a while but want to kick things up a notch: no matter what, one of the most wanted things for any allotment is a shed. But buying the right shed for your allotment can be quite t...
How to reduce the costs of running your allotment

How to reduce the costs of running your allotment

Running an allotment is one of the most relaxing things you can do in your spare time. It’s a place you can be one with nature and escape all of the problems of the modern world. That is until it comes to paying for the upkeep of your allotment every m...
Improving Security on Allotments to combat Vandalism and Theft

Improving Security on Allotments to combat Vandalism and Theft

Many allotment sites suffer from vandalism and theft. Sometimes minor like the theft of pumpkins, squash etc on our site and sometimes major as has happened on sites in our area, involving smashing of glass in greenhouses, breaking into sheds and even...
The Allotment - The City Dwellers bit of Country

The Allotment - The City Dwellers bit of Country

This article is courtesy of Stephen Watts aka Maxsalad. He grows in Sheffield, England and is into organic growing, sustainable living and even writes poetry. Everyone has a right to work a bit of land to grow their own food. Although one allotment...
Vacant Allotment Plots – What To Do With Them?

Vacant Allotment Plots – What To Do With Them?

Whilst many allotment sites have a waiting list, some have the opposite problem, vacant allotment plots standing forlorn and empty. In this article I explore some options for what to do with vacant allotment plots apart from growing weeds. The obvious...
Why People Grow Our Own – Our Plots

Why People Grow Our Own – Our Plots

We ran a little competition with Harrod Horticulture putting up a £50 prize asking people to send in a photo or photos of their plot along with a little bit about why they grew their own. The winner was Carl Goss from Ipswich but it was a close ...
You Have a New Allotment!

You Have a New Allotment!

Muntjac, provides straightforward and sound advice on growing vegetables as well as lots of other country matters. He put up this humorous post some time ago and we've managed to translate it from the original Muntish dialect that he speaks into the Queen's...

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