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Finding an Allotment – How to Find an Allotment

How to find an allotment plot

Finding Allotment

Finding a vacant allotment plot can be difficult but with patience and persuasion you can often get one even if the list is officially long.

In this internet age, most people will start their search for an allotment at Google but that’s probably not the best way. I’d suggest more traditional methods will be more effective. After all, the local site rep is more interested in his allotment site than web sites!

Local Council

Your local council is probably the best place to start. You might find information on their web site but telephoning is more likely to be of help. The receptionist should know who handles allotments but if not try the parks, recreations and leisure department first.


Libraries are good sources of information – once again, ask a librarian rather than wander round. They’re highly skilled people who can find out the information you need or at least point you at it.

Contact the Site Manager or Rep

At this stage the idea is to find the location and contact details for the allotment site managers. Even if there is a waiting list for the site, it is still worth making a note. Check out if whoever you speak to knows of any other sites, perhaps church owned, self-managed, private or handled by a parish council.

Once you know where your nearest site is, go round and visit. If every plot is occupied and in apple pie order, your chances are slim but if some are overgrown then you’re in with a chance.

Check the Facilities

Check out the facilities on offer, such as an on-site shop, parking, toilets and running water. Have a chat with any plot holders you meet to find out what it’s like there. Unfortunately some sites suffer from vandalism and it’s worth finding out what the risk is like in advance.

If there is a waiting list, as there is with many allotment sites, have a chat with the site manager or representative. If they know you are keen and will make something of your plot, it’s surprising how quickly a site can come vacant.

Telling him (or her) that you want to make friends with your weeds is pretty certain to make sure a plot never comes your way!

You might consider seeing if there is someone on the site who is struggling, perhaps getting older and finding it hard to keep things in order. Offer to share the plot and help with the heavy work. You benefit from advice and the owner from younger muscles.

If there’s a few plots vacant then the chances are the one you’ll be offered is the one in corner that’s covered in dumped rubbish. Site managers like to get those plots rented and cleared. Don’t be put off, rubbish is easily cleared.

The plot to avoid is the one looking lovely, the one they just rotavated for you – chopping all the perennial weed roots up which will come up again in a fortnight!

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