Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces


A straightforward guide to growing your own in containers, pots, small gardens etc. Planning and cultivation for maximum yields.

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“You don’t need an allotment or even a garden to grow your own..”

Vegetable Fruit and Herb Growing in Small Spaces

Vegetable, Fruit, Herb Growing in Small Spaces

Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

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We’ve not always had the benefit of an allotment or even a garden but we’ve always grown our own. This book tells you what you can achieve and how to do it even if all you have is a balcony.

I won’t pretend you can practically grow everything in tubs, some things just don’t make sense to grow without space. But there is an awful lot you can grow. Not just vegetables either, you can even have an apple tree in a pot (if you pick the right variety)

This simple, straightforward guide, written in plain English with black and white illustrations, is not designed for the coffee table. It’s a manual to help those who really want to provide something for the table by their own efforts but are limited by lack of space.

Chapter List for Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces



  • At a Glance Guide
    A quick list of what you can realistically grow and where
  • Introduction
    Some general background to the book and my experiences
  • What to Grow in and Where
    Some ideas you may not have had about places to grow your own
  • Successional Growing
    The trick to maximising production from small spaces and pots.
  • Composts and Fertilisers
    What composts are best to grow different types of plants, how to adapt commercial composts and how to make your own, of course.
  • Seeds and / or Plants
    When it makes sense to grow from seed and when you might be better off buying in plants. What to buy and from where.
  • Tools and Water
    Some guidance on what tools you may and may not need. Ways to ensure your plants are watered even if you’re not there for the weekend.
  • Vegetables
    A list of vegetables, their suitability for growing in containers or small spaces and best methods for each one.
  • Fruit
    As with vegetables but covering fruit. You’ll be surprised to find some fruits are better grown in containers even if you have a large garden.
  • Herbs
    List of herbs, how and where to grow them. Includes those suitable for growing indoors in the kitchen.
  • Glossary
    A quick list of the specialist gardening terms you may come across and what they mean
  • Further Reading and Information
    Includes some useful suppliers
  • Index
    A comprehensive index so you can look things up easily.

Vegetable, Fruit, Herb Growing in Small Spaces

Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

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Reviews & Comments on Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

An invaluable source of information. (Scotland’s Weekly News)

John Harrison is a passionate allotment gardener and really knows what he’s talking about. (Daily Mail)

A good, easy to follow read. (Simply Vegetables)

A good useful book written in a practical and easy to follow format. (Kitchen Garden)

I don’t have an allotment but have always wanted to grow my own fruit, veg and herbs. This book is brilliant to show that you can grow practically anything in almost any type of container – from sinks to hanging baskets, in borders or wrapped around a pergola. What did surprise me was the variety of veg that are happy in containers – things like turnips and leeks or better still my favourite – beetroot. There is a whole chapter on herbs which would be a great help to anybody who likes cooking (never knew before that I could grow my own lemon grass!). It covers pests and diseases as well as tools all written in a simple to understand format.

joyous Amazon Review

I bought three books about container planting and this little book is easily the best. I’ve got v interested in growing veg and herbs in containers, and this book has given me lots of inspirational ideas and tips. Just what I wanted.

JB Amazon Review

The author really does cover the topic in a focused, friendly and accessible way. “Small spaces” are just that rather than a garden not quite big enough for an orchard. He indicates what’s worth growing, what’s not and why. He discusses seeds v plants. There’s a very useful table on how long various seeds last and how long they take to germinate, so you know when it’s time to give up on a planting.
I’d recommend it to experienced gardeners who want a different approach as well as to novices

Amazon Review

Vegetable, Fruit, Herb Growing in Small Spaces

Vegetable Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

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Britain’s greatest allotment authority
Emma Townshend in the
Independent on Sunday

I think it’s just great. Another down to earth book for down to earth people,
teaching not preaching how it’s done.
Mr R W Braker

Forget about any glossy pictures, what’s in this book is solid
words of advice, written in plain to understand English from a grower who’s had
frustrating years of experience behind him in trying to grow nutritious vegetables,
whilst at the same time running a business and raising a family.
Medwyn Williams
Winner of 10 RHS Gold Medals
at Chelsea for vegetables

I’ve never made jams, chutneys etc. before but can’t stop now. This book
makes it so easy. Takes all the fear out of jam making.
Mrs S Collett

An informative book based on lots of practical experience and with loads
of top tips, as well as a wide range of delicious recipes.
C Pickard