Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry


For those thinking of keeping or currently keeping chickens or other poultry such as ducks, quail, turkeys or geese in a back garden

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“Includes chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese and quail”

Backgarden Chickens Poultry

A book is in some ways a reflection of its authors and this one is no exception. Cara Harrison keeps her hens, ducks and quail in a small urban back garden while her father, John, has a smallholding in Wales after many years of suburban living and keeping an allotment.

Backgarden Chickens

Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry

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This book is simply for those thinking of keeping or currently keeping chickens or other poultry such as ducks, quail, turkeys or geese in a back garden

This simple, straightforward guide, written in plain English with black and white illustrations and photos, is not designed for the coffee table. It’s a manual to help those keeping chickens and other poultry.

Chapter List for Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry



  • Introduction
    Who the book is for and what it covers
  • Preparing for Your Poultry
    What you need to do before getting your birds
  • Other Pets and Children
    What about the dog? And the children.
  • Housing, Runs and Equipment
    Different types, makes and how to choose
  • Choosing and Obtaining Your Poultry
    What to get and where to get them
  • When You Get Your Hens Home
    Settling in your birds
  • Introducing the New Birds to the Flock
    Avoiding problems of health and fighting
  • Feeding and Watering
    What and when to feed and water your hens
  • Caring for Your Poultry
    General husbandry advice
  • Diseases and Problems
    How to recognise and what to do
  • Breeding Your Own
    As the title says – broody hens, incubators etc
  • Ducks
  • Turkeys
  • Geese
  • Quail
  • Eggs
    All about eggs and how to market your eggs, store your eggs and use them plus eggonomics – selling your surplus eggs, the pounds and pennies of chicken keeping.
  • Keeping Poultry for Meat
    The pros and cons of raising table birds. Is it really for you?
  • Glossary
  • Further Information
  • Index

Backgarden Chickens

Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry

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Reviews & Comments on Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry

For anyone who loves the idea of garden-fresh eggs every morning… The authors’ personal experience shines through this accessible guide. (Scotland on Sunday)

John Harrison’s latest volume, written in collaboration with his daughter, covers all the basics of keeping backyard chickens and other poultry. It will give all the information needed to someone researching the subject before they embark on this endearing hobby and will stand as a useful reference title to those new to it and those more experienced alike.

Amazon Review

As head gardener to Woodside Lodge Hotel in the New Forest & a horticultural lecturer I am often asked for my opinion on the many books out there & just how helpful they can be. We have recently embarked on a project to provide our own free range eggs to hotel guests along with the organic vegetables from the walled gardens. I was recommended to read The book on ‘Backyard Chickens’ by John Harrison & his daughter.

As well as being a really good read it has all the information one needs to get you started on the road to successful chicken keeping. I can only echo the other reviews, it scores top marks for value & content.

John Trim

A real diamond in the rough. This is a superb book for anyone starting off in both gardening and trying to be eco friendly. Maybe you don’t want to go all the way, however, this is certainly a good start.

Amazon Review

I found this book to be a very useful guide, loaned it to a colleague who is also interested in keeping hens, who now tells me he has ordered his own copy.

Amazon Review

Backgarden Chickens

Backgarden Chickens & Other Poultry

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Forget about any glossy pictures, what’s in this book is solid
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