The Hedgerow Harvest
Looking at a 1942 leaflet issued by the Ministry of Food called How to Make Use of the Hedgerow Harvest. The recipes look really good!
Looking at a 1942 leaflet issued by the Ministry of Food called How to Make Use of the Hedgerow Harvest. The recipes look really good!
Strange weather patterns but we're getting there in the garden and the store cupboards are filling fast.
Sunday was a sunny Goldilocks day, not too hot and not too cold. So a long day outside sorting the raised beds and harvesting. Rather pleased with the results.
Mr Fothergill’s Recalls Some Courgette Zucchini Seeds from Ranges
Lots of crops in, masses of currants and a lovely pear surprise that made my day.
Is your soil is in poor condition – depleted nutrients and lack of humus? What to do to improve things and reinvigorate the soil.