Harvesting Potatoes and Green Manure
Yet more harvesting of potatoes and re-stocking with green manure seeds.
Yet more harvesting of potatoes and re-stocking with green manure seeds.
The new compost bin arrives and I am now in the Posh Bin club!
Harvesting potatoes and an Andalusian bull has appeared on the site (almost)
Show growing and competitions, harvesting calabrese and the first runner beans of the season. A small rant about how we can help the planet more.
Planted last attempt at cauliflowers, loads of leeks and harvested the Arran Pilot.
Sharing water, going slowly mad and harvesting squash. It's all go on the plot!
Watering continues as does the hot weather and I'm still working a late shift when it's cool. Clearing the early potatoes and various.
Gold medal at Tatton and I'm the first one onto the plot this morning (technically). Plus a potential dissertation for a sociology doctorate.
Coping with warm weather, berserk pumpkins and courgettes and clearing the broad beans.
Watering and weeding plus how great my plumbing skills are not.
Analysing what went wrong with the brassicas, watering the plots and it's good to share.
Growing cauliflowers explained by the master! Composting an joining the posh bin set.
Someone's very happy tonight! Sowing beans and carrots and freezing broad beans.
Allotment Competition results in and harvesting broad beans as the pumpkin makes a takeover bid for the entire plot!
A new use for comfrey tea, sorting overcrowded greenhouse and tidying up on plot 29 plus those pigeons still causing trouble.
Too hot and then the rain came. Feeding with comfrey liquid and I catch a pigeon.
Building another protection cage for the brassicas before the pigeons eat the lot.