Brassica Protection Cage from the Pigeons

Pigeon Defence

First job of the day was to get the materials for the improved brassica bunker. The pigeons have obviously been taking lessons from a plague of locusts and some of the brassicas look like skeletons.

A bit of shopping around resulted in a roll of wire netting and eight two by one by eight foot lengths of treated wood from Wickes. Next we went to Instore where I got two 4m by 2m plant protection nets as well as a new spike sprinkler to replace the duff one for ?2.50.

Total cost to protect the brassicas, ?22.00. Well, it should all last for quite a few years.

Back home for a couple of cups of tea and it was obviously too hot to go around to the plot until 3.30pm. We’re never happy with the weather, either it’s too cold, raining or too hot. Hot is better than cold, though. Loaded the car with portable drill, saw, screws and most importantly a flask of iced tea and off I went with the construction materials.

It was very quiet on the site for some reason, which was nice as I was able to have the sprinkler on with high water pressure. When the site has a few people using the taps the water pressure falls dramatically.

Some cutting, screwing and stapling of the chicken wire to the wood frame ensued to make two eight foot long sides and stapling the netting onto battens to make it easier to handle.

Job done with the brassicas much better protected and the plot mainly watered managed to get home in time for Doctor Who. Anyone want to buy a Brussels sprout? Only about a pound each.

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