Composting, Slugs, Snails, Aphids & Ants
Compost not heating up as I want, an army of slugs and snails and to top it off a plague of ants. At least the squash is looking good.
Compost not heating up as I want, an army of slugs and snails and to top it off a plague of ants. At least the squash is looking good.
Just a few questions this month. Aphid infestations, chilli peppers and a problem with potatoes.
We all look for value but there are times when saving a few pennies costs pounds in the end.
Never mind The Walking Dead or The Exorcist tonight I saw true horror slithering over paths and plot leaving trails of slime behind them!
Two new compost bins arrive along with some additive to improve the compost quality by increasing humus and some biochar.
Using some alternative methods to break in new land whilst still using it to grow squash and pumpkins.
There are times when I wonder why I spend time, effort and money on growing my own veggies. Is it really worth the bother?
The old greenhouse has been replaced so all I've got to do is build it and a windbreak to protect it.