More Paraffin for the Greenhouse, Arran Pliot and Nadine Potatoes
Still freezing so restocked the paraffin tank and bought some more seed potatoes.
Still freezing so restocked the paraffin tank and bought some more seed potatoes.
Finished the digging, new article on daylength.
Moving on the brassicas and the garlic to the coldframe
Greenhouse holding up under the freezing weather and yet more digging.
PH testing - working out the acidity of the soil to judge how much lime to add
Weatherproofing the greenhouse and transplanting brassicas.
A sad weekend with the death of my mother-in-law. Moving wood and digging
Busy day, more digging, chitting potatoes, germinating brassicas and solar power.
Wading through mud and the potatoes arrive. Leek, radish, carrot, lettuce and runner beans seeds arrive as well
Planting more garlic and wondering about the weather
Garlic, greenhouse temperatures and solar powered fans arrive.
Nostalgia and seed sowing - you'll see what I mean!
Making the most of a beautiful day on the plot and at home
Moving the turkey litter mountain and compost buying today.
National Vegetable Society meeting.
Seeds arrive, new web site and Visiting allotment Lady
Moving the greenhouse base and yet more digging.
Freshness discussed, mail order and solar power.
The amazing changing vegetables and electrical works. Plus Jerusalem artichokes arrive.
Good intentions but rain stopped play