Last of the Turkey Manure and Electric Propagators into Action

Beautiful Day

It was brilliant today, light wind and sunshine. I’d almost forgotten what that was like. Not exactly warm, but a lot warmer than it has been of late and without that bone chilling damp in the air. Down to the site after lunch, I was surprised there was only me and Larry on. Well, the rest don’t know what a lovely day they missed.

Turkey Litter

John P, who organised the litter came down later. He says that the turkey farm has closed down and this is the last we will get. Apparently not enough profit in turkeys so they’re going in to intensive beef rearing instead. I topped up the compost bins with some of the mountain. About 6 barrowloads into the plot 29 bin and 3 into the plot 5 bin. There’s still a lot left and I might move some more onto plot 5 and cover in plastic to let it get rotting before using it.


Definately something has made a tunnel in the compost bin on plot 29. Looks more rabbit sized than rat but I can’t imagine a rabbit climbing into the bin to make a home. Seems a bit odd for a rat, come to think of it.

Yet more digging.

Yes, I’m still digging over on plot 5. I can do about 10 square yards in an hour and a bit when it’s wet and heavy. Nearly twice that much when the soil is dryer and lighter. Well, it is good exercise, I suppose.

Bit of luck I can finish the section off tomorrow. That leaves the top section on plot 5 where I spread leafmould and have piled turkey litter. I may just leave that be and see if the worms do the work for me.

Back at the ranch

We got the electric propogators out of the loft and will be sowing onions soon as well as some flowers (that’s Val, not me with the flowery things). With the weather today it felt more like spring than winter as well.

I’m keeping the greenhouse temperature up with the paraffin heater. My big plastic storage bottle is empty so I’d best get some more. We’re bound to have a cold snap if I run out!

D T Brown’s order arrived this morning. Since it was my fault for giving them the wrong credit card expiry date, I can’t blame them for the delay.

Now for an evening just watching telly – think I deserve a rest by the ache in my shoulders.

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