Council Take the Wood Chippings!
Digging over and the council have pinched the chippings off the site!
Digging over and the council have pinched the chippings off the site!
Finished the digging, new article on daylength.
A sad weekend with the death of my mother-in-law. Moving wood and digging
Making the most of a beautiful day on the plot and at home
Good intentions but rain stopped play
More digging and humping leaves into cages plus wildlife on the plot
Bit more digging to get rid of the computer breakdown blues.
Just digging over to do mainly now and then I can lime as required to keep the soil sweet. Adding kitchen waste and shredded paper to the compost bin
Finally got some garlic in the ground, ph tester on the blink and digging started.
Weeding and digging, site tour and unfair use of allotments.
Digging gets easier after the rain and the greenhouse crops are coming good. The tomato sideshoots I stuck into pots are zooming up too - hopefully I'll get a few fresh tomatoes late after the main ones have finished.
We also fix laptops on our site! Greeted by the chap of the next plot, ended up sitting in his car sorting an errant computer.
This should be 7th & 8th really - the last couple of days have been really busy. The spirit is willing...
What a difference it makes to digging when the ground is dry.