Ph Testing the Soil Before Adding Lime and Planting Garlic

Planting Garlic

Finally, at last, I got some garlic planted. Some of the Thermidrome cloves had started to rot but the Marco seems fine. All the Thermidrome and one bulb of Marco have gone into the deep bed where the carrots were on plot 29. I worked some fish blood and bone first to give them a good start.

I’ll try and get the rest of the Marco in on plot 5. I’m also going to get some more garlic from Dobies who seem to have a good selection which I can plant in the spring.

PH Testing

I tested the ph (acidity level) on various bits of plot 29 and either it has a consistent level around 7 or the blessed thing is faulty. I suspect the latter so a new meter or a test kit is on my list for Santa

Digging for victory

Started digging over the small bed wher the brassicas were on plot 29, which I covered in two inches of leafmould last month. I’m only rough digging on spit deep. The frosts will break it up. Felt quite good to have an hour of exercise. Nearly finished it but the light faded and so to home.

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