Garlic Planting, Making Leafmould and Double Digging.

More Garlic Planting

Managed to plant the rest of the Marco onto plot 5 by the leeks. I hoed off a few weeds, broke up the surface and then hoed in a good few handfuls of fish, blood and bone fertiliser. Then, using my patent leek dibber, which is really a much shortened spade handle, slightly sharpened but not to a point, made 19 2″ deep holes at 8″ spacing. Into the holes I put a little sand. The soil is heavy and holds water so I want it to drain from around and under the garlic cloves rather than rot them.

Dropped the cloves in, added a little more sand then raked the soil over. Some labels to remind me where they are and the job’s a good ‘un.

Topped up the leafmould cages

Yet more barrowloads of leaves from the pile into the cages. About 3 to plot 29 and 6 to plot 5. That’s left them full to the brim, again.


Finished digging over the bed on plot 29. Great feeling when you look over a freshly dug bed.

Web Site Changes

You may have noticed some adverts appearing for Dobies and TwoWests. I pay for the hosting on the site from the adverts and I get a small commission if you buy something (hint!). Have no fear, I’m sticking with decent companies offering good quality products and service that I would use myself. So no adverts for poker sites or dodgy herbal remedies will appear.

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