Harvesting Sweetcorn, Runner and French Beans and Pumpkins
Harvest starts to come in and we're measuring the sweetcorn in car boot loads rather than carrier bags!
Harvest starts to come in and we're measuring the sweetcorn in car boot loads rather than carrier bags!
Horticultural Show, new allotment for my brother in law and how Ford Lane Allotments are being regenerated.
Sowing a green manure to confuse the potato eelworm and how did I miss all those potatoes?
Creosote and white wine, drank one and painted the greenhouse base with the other. No prizes for guessing which!
A break in the rain so to the plot where gifts were waiting. I get a second greenhouse and a second comfrey barrel, plus more beans ? of course!
Not a lot to report, just watering weeding and harvesting beans ? and a pretty poor show with the peas, but that's my fault.
We had a little rain, making compost and restoring the path with wood chippings.
My absence explained and the harvest continues as does the dry weather.
Watering and weeding again, this time controlling the horsetail before it takes over the plot.
Shovelling lots and lots of horse manure after a bit of weeding.
Bit of rain, some beans and a lot of weeds. Also a fun little competition that someone might enter.
Introducing, fresh from the radioactive town of Chernobyl, my single cauliflower.