Allotment Website and The Poultry Pages
The weather failed to be quite as promised by the weather man so I spent the day working. Some thoughts on running this website and the ethics of the internet.
The weather failed to be quite as promised by the weather man so I spent the day working. Some thoughts on running this website and the ethics of the internet.
Moving the brassicas, which was an exercise in logistics to the plot and constructing defences against the number one enemy of brassicas, the pigeon.
Missing fence post mystery and making a small start on erecting the greenhouse followed by moving the compost out of the bin then back into the bin. But there is a reason for the apparent madness, Plus the potatoes showing their foliage to the world.
Sowing beans, clearing green manure and weeds and sowing spring onions. And what was living in the compost bin?
Clearing and weeding the strawberry bed, sowing spring onions and preparing the carrot bed, which was harder work than I bargained for.
Potting on tomatoes then planting onions is a novel solution to work problems - but it works! Just me and the birds on the plot.
Planting rest of the potatoes and judging how far behind the season is this year from the comfrey,
Building my birthday pesent and planting more potatoes on the plot.
Sweetcorn chitting surprisingly good and the brassicas are brilliant.
Seed sowing in the potting shed.
In the potting shed, sowing and chitting and sorting outs today.
Solar power and started planting potatoes
A long hard day in wonderful weather, planting onions and preparing the brassica bed.
Tomato troubles but the brassicas are great.
Fantastic NVS meeting tonight.
Plans failed due to weather, again!
Strange weather, or is it? Tomato troubles and changes to the web site.
To the plot, but later than planned.
Back to the plot but the soil is still not really workable.