Moving Brassicas and Potatoes Showing

Moving Brassicas

We had a visitor yesterday so didn’t get into action until 4pm. The brassicas are ready for planting out and ‘she who must be obeyed” wants her patio back, so loaded the car with them and around to the plot.

The entire car was full and I drove very carefully to avoid tipping them over. Even the passenger seat had a tray with 8 plants on! A triumph of logisitics.

Larry was on site although about to leave when I got there and we spent 10 minutes looking at the greenhouse bits. Have a horrible feeling I may be missing a corner piece but more on that when I spend a decent amount of time on it.

Anyway, constructed an anti-pigeon system using the side fences I made last year and the heavy green net with bamboo poles as cross supports. Much easier said than done. I then lined up the pots with the different varieties in so I know what I have of what, if that makes sense!

Bit of a shame to have missed the day but I still got a few hours in. Noticed the potatoes are popping through more now. Must chase T&M up to see if they intend to send the nematodes I ordered way back.

The onions I planted out are looking OK too. I’ve still got a couple of seed trays with Bedfordshire Championin modules in the coldframe. They are just about ready to plant out. After running out of my onions, as we have, I’m determined to be self-sufficient in onions next.

Left around seven with the brassicas safe to watch Dr Who – I may be 51 in body, but I?m still 10 when it comes to Dr Who.

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