Monthly Archives: August 2005

Keeping Chickens on Allotments

Revolution is in the air and rain in the sky. Political action regarding keeping chickens on allotments

Harvest Continues from Cucumbers to French Beans

Weed them and reap! Sorry about the pun. Some lovely Beurre De Rocquencort yellow French beans for the freezer

Last of the Runner Bean Tipis and Keeping Chickens on the Plot

Last of the runner bean supporting tipis and a chicken controversy. I want to be able to keep chickens on the allotment

Enough Runner Beans and Loads of Courgettes

Enough is enough so goodbye to a bean tipi. We have enough runner beans to feed ourselves and an army

Mystery of the Compost Bin

Another beautiful day but this ended with a mystery! Where has my compost bin gone to.

Large Juicy Strawberries and Contolling Horsetail or Marestail

Still under par but fighting the horse tail. Large and juicy strawberries provide some compensation

Harvesting, Blanching and Freezing Runner and French Beans

A weekend of harvesting and blanching and freezing. On Saturday we gathered a carrier bag of French beans, one of broad beans, some runner beans and yet more courgettes.

Yellow Mini Squash and Climbing French Beans

Where were those beans hiding yesterday? Anyway harvested those and then the yellow mini squashes that were fast becoming maxi squash! Laid them on the table to cure.

Compost Heap Construction

Compost heap construction and Ben the rat is still around. The comfrey will act as an activator and help the heap to cook. 4 good cuts from the comfrey this year and at least one more to come.

August 2005

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