Enough Runner Beans and Loads of Courgettes

Enough is enough!

Myself and ‘she who must be obeyed’ had a little chat about runner beans – I know, the excitement in our lives knows no bounds. Anyhow, we are still eating last year’s runner beans and have enough of this year’s in the freezer to last the year already.

So after harvesting about 15 lbs of runner beans took down one of the tipis on plot 5.

It seems criminal when there are so many flowers promising so much more production but we have more than enough and the tipi is shading the plum Roma tomatoes. So down it came.  Hopefully the tomatoes will repay the bean’s sacrifice.

Still have French and climbing beans to harvest.


Last time on the plot I checked the courgette plants and there were none. After the rain, I found loads – many were grown beyond optimum. So another carrier bag full.

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A really nice couple came down and took the vacant plot. Youngish couple so they should have enough energy to clear it. I think they have a tough job, especially as it is very wet. Still, if they break into the underlying clay plan and put a few drainage trenches in they’ll be OK. Oh and clear the 10 foot of brambles at the end of their plot.

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