Monthly Archives: May 2015

Broad Beans, More Strawberries

Moans about the weather, planting out broad beans and yet more strawberries for the patio.

Planting the Windbreak

Some lovely sunshine whilst I start planting the windbreak which turns out to be harder than I hoped.

Greenhouse, Windbreak & Planting a Cherry

Got the greenhouse planted up with tomatoes, planted a cherry tree and started preparations for the windbreak trees.

Make Your Own Strawberry Barrel

Allotment holder Louise Nowell planned and made her own strawberry barrel from scratch rather than buy one.

Bedding Plants & Fruit Trees

The annuals go out to brighten the house, more fruit trees planted but the tomatoes stay in their warm bed just a little longer.

Preparing the Greenhouse

A busy old time preparing the greenhouse and in the potting shed.

Greenhouse of the Future

It strikes me that ideally a greenhouse should provide year round growing conditions without a high running cost for heating. So I was rather happy to receive a DVD and e-books entitled The Greenhouse of the Future.

Planting a Shelter Belt – WIndbreak

Creating a shelter belt, a windbreak of trees is a long term project but once achieved, it's there permanently.

Potting Shed & Border

The last few days have involved a lot of running about to accomplish little – bit like most of the politicians who've been trying to convince us they're the one to vote for.

Glyphosate Risks

With all this talk about glyphosate, what's a gardener to do? Trying to calculate the actual risk to the environment is not easy.

May 2015

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