Things take longer with the new raised bed
Why do all jobs take longer than you think? Getting prepared to put in the new raised bed.
Why do all jobs take longer than you think? Getting prepared to put in the new raised bed.
Harvesting Sarpo potatoes continues and a surprise with the King Edward harvest too.
Started harvesting my Sarpo Mira blight resistant potatoes and they're really good. Hugely productive and slug resistant as well so great for organic growers.
Weather improves, clearing the greenhouses and a bit of a moan about another plotholder.
There are lots of tools that you can buy to garden with but these are the six essential tools that every gardener really needs.
These carrots are really something special, not just especially healthy but great looking and tasty too. Finally a success story despite the weather on the plot.
Television for cats, a small harvest between the rain bands including my favourite French beans and a visit from Jake
Yet more shed clearing, weeding and getting ready to harvest my Sarpo blight resistant potatoes.
Finishing my new shed, the lighting is up and the potatoes and onions are now in their store.
Monthly meeting of the National Vegetable Society discussing problems and attack of the giant slug on my return.
More on the shed, harvest from the plot and food prices set to go through the roof.
Preserving the new shed and connecting up the electrics. Things did not go quite to the plan, however.
A new university study shows that food additives cause behaviour problems in children. But we knew this 20 years ago.
Our new shed arrives so lots of work demolishing the old and then the shed raising.
Bonus crops from the vegetable plot, building a raised bed and re-decorating the kitchen.