NVS Meeting and Attack of the Slug

This afternoon I fitted the recycled panels from the old shed into a partition and bench down the side of the new shed. The partition will keep the stored potatoes in the dark and I’ll be fitting hooks to hang the onions from. It’s been a bit frustrating how long things are taking, seem to spend more time looking for tools than using them!

This evening, being the second Tuesday of the month, was our National Vegetable Society meeting. Unusually attendance was light, just nine of us, but we had a good chat all the same. Normally we have a speaker but I suggested that a questions and answers session might be popular so of course we had really light attendance. Oh well, the best laid plans and all that.

Everyone seems to have had similar problems this year, mainly due to the weather. The worst affected crop seems to have been potatoes with blight but many crops have just been plain drowned. Yellowing leaves and stunted growth or no growth at all that appear to be suffering nutrient deficiencies make a miraculous recovery when the soil dries out a bit.

Of course, crops in raised beds are unaffected with being above the water table but before converting the plot entirely to raised beds, remember it’s bound to be a drought next year.

On my return from the meeting I was greeted by a giant slug happily crawling down our back door. I couldn’t believe it but the photo proves it.

giant slug on back door

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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