Allotment Garden Diary

My diary of my attempts, success and failures growing vegetables, fruit, herbs and gardening on an allotment.sized vegetable plot with a garden as well

Tomato Plants

S-Chelate Introduce New Tomato Feed

S-Chelate have launched a new super concentrated professional fertiliser formulated specifically for tomato growing.

growing questions answers

Gardening questions and answers – July 2024

Just a few of the questions this month. Deterring blackfly, controlling slugs on brassicas and great tip on saving strawberries from slugs.

Garlic and Elephant Garlic

Highs and Lows

I must admit this weather is really getting me down.. Still, I’ve got the greenhouses and the polytunnel where I can play.

Planted Salad Vegetable Planter

Re-sowing seeds, salad bed, propagating strawberries.

This has been a really difficult season so far. The weather is really against us and the pest pressure is crazy.

Sweetcorn in Pots

Cool Weather, Salad Bed, Snails, Fertiliser, Timber!

This unseasonably cool weather brings its own problems. In the Eden greenhouse sweetcorn that really needs planting out but it’s too cold.

Water Butt

Keeping Water Clean & Safe

Envii have developed a biological solution to keeping water sweet in the butt and stopping algae growth whilst protecting plants and promoting growth.

Seed Sowing

Late Sowing Seeds and Planting Out

Answering ‘Is it too late to plant..?’ it depends on what the crop is, how it’s grown and what the weather is doing

Strawberry on Plant

Catching Up in Good Weather

A scorching weekend (by North Wales standards) which helped me catch up on some jobs although there’s still lots to do.

Tomatoes Planted in Greenhouse Border

Tomatoes, Brassicas, Beans and more

Tomatoes planted out in greenhouse border, Brassicas planted out in their tunnel and beans in the rootrainers ready to go out.

Pots of plants on greenhouse bench

Cold Weather Causes Problems

Delays in planting out due to the cold weather means the propagators and greenhouse benches are overly full

Cauliflowers in Rootrainers

Chitting, germination test, blueberries, strawberries

Finally, at last, the weather has changed. for the better and we're racing to catch up a bit now we can garden again.

Weather not Good, I’m not Well

The strong winds and general sogginess making outside tasks impracticable. Frustration meter now at 150% as jobs become urgent

Hispi Cabbage Seedlings in Tray

Cabbage Surprise, Strawberries, Peas

Catching up on progress for the week. Surprise cabbages, peas popping up, Silly cat nearly spends the night in the greenhouse

Envii Maximato Tomato Feed & Allgrow Multi-Purpose Release

Envii, market leaders in biological and organic products for gardeners and horticulturalists, have just released two new organic products. Maximato Tomato Feed and Allgrow All Purpose Feed. Envii Maximato Tomato Feed Envii Maximato is their organic liquid tomato feed made
Shed in Garden under Snow

Snow! Pricking Out Seedlings.

Surprise snowfall doesn't stay for long. Potting shed a hive of activity pricking out seedlings and sowing.

Vitopod with Growlights

Potato Planting Delay, Germination So Far

My plan to start planting potatoes on St Patrick’s day hasn’t worked out due to weather. Germination rates of seeds from last week's sowing

Tomatoes Cucumbers Seeds in Geopod Propagator

In the Potting Shed – Seed Sowing

A busy weekend in the Potting Shed while the weather was awful. The garden year has really got going now the sowing is underway.

Packets of seeds on a table

Planning – Scheduling the Seed Sowing

Planning the gardening season is one of those tasks that gets a bit easier with time. How to sort out the seeds for sowing.

Grass Mulch Under Blackcurrants

Early Potatoes Planted, Mowing, Cleaning

We’ve finally had a period of dry weather, even sunshine. it’s allowed us to get some outside jobs done. First mowing of the year, finally.

Slowed Down Compost Bin – Using a Compost Accelerator

In Winter the compost bins slow down so I like to use a compost accelerator to give them a quick boost ahead of the growing season.

July 2024

What to do now on your plot!

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