Clearing the Allotment Plot, Preparing for Winter
Reflections on the brassica disaster and the tidy up for winter continues.
Reflections on the brassica disaster and the tidy up for winter continues.
Emptying the compost bin, harvesting the cabbages and our photo shoot.
Time to clear up and make the allotment plots look respectable before I get a reprimand from the rep.
The leafmould thief has struck, more potatoes, a warm rug for the heap and Mr Mole.
Harvesting potatoes and what happened to the week (I blinked!)
Plans go wrong - how unusual - but did get a bit of time on the plot. Eight cucumbers, half a pound of strawberies and cauliflowers as well.
Clearing up continues, a few potatoes from the compost bin and potato blight report.
Clearing the last of the tomatoes and accepting the summer is over, but a surprise crop of rather good cauliflowers
Preparing the onion bed and composting the summer flowers.
I don't care if it rains, I'm quite dry despite the monsoon in my greenhouse fitting up my new greenhouse workstation.