Last of the summer tomatoes, decent cauliflowers

Summer is Over

Despite the unseasonably warm September, summer is now officially over. Val took down the hanging baskets with the surfinia and replaced them with the winter heather baskets.

To be accurate Val, with leg in plaster, directed me as to what was to go where. The last of the outdoor tomato plants was cut down and the mower raised a notch.

I loaded the car with spent pots and baskets plus two big bags of green waste and off to the plot.

First job was to pick some more strawberries. Val’s freezing them until we have enough to make some more conserve, which is really rather wonderful. Unfortunately a lot are rotting as they ripen, I don’t know why, so the drop is being reduced. Still, got about half a pound.

Next I cleared the last Plum Roma tomatoes, which resulted in about a kilo of decent tomatoes although we will need to ripen them at home.

Onto the French beans. Since we have pretty full freezers and could probably live for year off what’s in store, I gave plant full to Janice on plot 28 to try and cleared a couple for us.

Incredibly the sun was setting fast so I emptied the car, putting the spent compost onto the ground to at least add humus and the green waste filled the posh green compost bin.


I was just about to pack up and go when I realised the six cauliflowers I planted on plot 29 following the loss of every plant bar a couple of purple ones on plot 5, had produced some really nice curds.

So five really rather decent cauliflowers went into the bag for home. I’m over the moon about them; cauliflower is one of my favourite vegetables.

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