Weeding Carrots as Psychological Therapy
Weeding as psychological therapy
Weeding as psychological therapy
Weeding as psychological therapy
A new neighbour - Ben the rat on the allotment site and planting runner and French beans.
A new neighbour - Ben the rat on the allotment site and planting runner and French beans.
Wind kills coldframe, fuel crisis stops the Merry Tiller, Green Manure and shovelling the smelly stuff
Seven hours solid on the plot today, enjoying the sunshine and warmth. And a senior moment realised.
The weather changed from grey to lovely this afternoon so constructed some climbing bean supports
Earthing up the potatoes, the mechanised way.
Earthing up the potatoes, the mechanised way.', 'Earthing up the new potatoes was the order of the day. As the danger of frost seems past (famous last words) I took the fleece off.They''ve come on a treat and now is the time to give them the final boost. First I ran the mantis with the digging tines between the rows, which threw some earth to the sides and then gave a good dose of fish, blood and bone. Using a draw hoe, I then pulled soil up around the haulmThe mantis is a real time saver, doing this all by hand would have taken much longer as the clay soil compacts easily. Next a spot of weeding.rnThe mantis came in handy again, running up and down the wide space between the double rows of broad beans. I have hoed but the rain has helped the weeds come back. Between the single rows it was weeding by hand.Then the salad bed on 29 got weeded and the radish that have grown too large were recycled in the compost bin.The last job is a walkaround. The comfrey is springing back after its haircut and the brassicas are looking OK in their cage. The spinach is a little disappointing - seems only one germination from the first sowing.Carrots and parsnips are popping up but the weeds are out-stripping them. Next weeding job and thinning out too. The turnips are sprouting too.On plot 29, the onions and garlic look great. I should have onions in a week or two from the autumn planting although the garlic may not be ready until the longest day.Back at the ranch the peas in modules are ready to go and the pitiful few dwarf french beans as well. Everything else is looking fine.'
Not much chance to do anything with the rain.. Planted courgettes under cloche
Not much chance to do anything with the rain.. Planted courgettes under cloche
Dodging between the rain showers, I managed to get a bit of time on the plot.
Dodging between the rain showers, I managed to get a bit of time on the plot.', 'Dodging between the rain showers, I managed to get a bit of time on the plot.The aim was to plant the Roma tomatoes out under cloche but first I had to get the cloches that were protecting the brassicas from the pigeons on plot 29, which ment I had to build another framework from bits of wood and old chair bases to attach some netting to.My intention was to plant out 10 tomatoes but having got 7 plants in a row I thought that would suffice. Some of the plants looked a little ropy so picked the best to plant and discard the rest. Interplanted the tomatoes with marigolds then watered the tomatoes in with water containing epsom salts. Hope they pick up!rnThe space left on the weed supressant fabric will have some courgettes and a cucumber when I can get on next. Meanwhile heavy black clouds were gathering . Grabbed a lettuce and a few radish then ran home as the heavens opened.'
Tomato troubles and web site tweaking,
Sweetcorn planted out under cloches and tomatoes into growbag houses.
Sweetcorn planted out under cloches and tomatoes into growbag houses.', 'The threatened rain held off so down to the plot for a few hours this evening.We erected two growbag houses by the shed, which have seen better days but are just about serviceable still. Into these went 3 Moneymaker and 3 Gardeners Delight tomatoes along with a few marigold to deter the white fly.Then planted out the sweetcorn under cloches on plot 5.Although the weather is warm enough not to need cloching, it will bring them on and I don''t trust it not to produce a frost one night in the next couple of weeks. Gave them 2 handfuls of pelleted chicken manure per 10'' row which should get them off to a good start.Finally hoed between the broad beans and thence to home.'
A few hours of preparing and weeding over the last few days
The Great Bean Disaster and the Tomato Cull