Planting Runner and French Beans plus Ben the Rat on the Plot

Ben the rat!

First thing to greet me was a large brown rat by the compost heaps on plot 5. Shame he (or she) was a bit camera shy. Anyway, everyone has to live so good luck Ben.

The comfrey is leaping back, the new potatoes look good and are starting to flower and the broad beans are flowering as well.

The courgettes looked wilted under the cloche, so removed the cloche and gave them a good drink. They had picked up by the time I went home. Left the cloche off them as it may be too hot. The sweetcorn and tomatoes look fine.

The weeds are winning around the top of the plot – so weeding and thinning out to do there.

On plot 29 the maincrop potatoes are coming up well and everything else looks fine except for the weeds on the carrot bed.

So to work, planted runner bean Polestar around the tipi on plot 29 and 14 Canadian Wonder dwarf French beans.

Then back to plot 5 where 3 more tipis were constructed, runner bean streamline, climbing beans Blue Lake and Cobra.planted.

Repaired the coldframe by replacing the lid with the spare (long story) and transplanted bean spares from modules to pots – just in cases lugs eat the first ones.

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