Yearly Archives: 2023

Christmas Cactus in Flower

House Plants

Whilst we’ve had almost constant rain, I’ve not managed to get much done outside. Being indoors set me looking at our indoor houseplants.

Asian Hornet close up from side.

Asian Hornets – Advice Guide

Asian hornets, Vespa velutina, have spread across Europe and have now arrived in Britain. What to do if you spot them,

Fresh Tomatoes

Tomato Fertiliser, Tidying up for Winter

A chat about fertiliser results in some delicious free tomatoes. . Tidying up in the greenhouses and polytunnel as I prepare for winter.

Ginger and White Cat Willow

Farewell Willow Cat, Last Potatoes, Gigantes, Cherry

Not the best week, we lost Willow Cat to cancer. Last potatoes harvested, All gigantes beans harvested. Cherry trees felled.

Declining Potato & Root Crop Yields – Why?

When yields start to fall, identifying the cause of the problem is the the first step. Here I work out what is deficient in the soil.

Storing Potatoes, Runner Beans, Cooking

Sorting and storing potatoes. End of the runner beans outside. Greek gigantes beans first picking and recipe. More cooking whilst it rains.

Heartfelt Thanks and Future Plans

After my last post and newsletter I was overwhelmed by the response in the comments and by email. My heartfelt thanks.

2 wheelbarrows full of white Orla and red Sarpo Axona potatoes

Time to Quit? Potato Harvest

poor season on the plot and I've been pretty down what with Covid and the blasted back. I've even thought about quitting. Great spuds!

Wet Onion

Wet Onions

I’ve had a few people contact me about wet onions recently - the problem explained

Covid, Apples, Potatoes, Tomatoes

The flu was Covid which has hit us hard. Apples having a fantastic year but hit by Storm Betty. Masses of beans and tomatoes.

Cauliflower de Purple

Harvest Looking Good, Weather Not So Much.

Things are looking good with the harvest despite the weather. Cauliflowers to Carrots, Beans to Tomatoes and Cucumbers.

Anti-Rodent Potato Box, Hazel Trees, Savoys

Building a - hopefully - rat proof potato store, potting up hazel nut trees and planting out savoy cabbages for winter.

Cactus Flower

Peas, Tayberries & More

Gardening for children, flowers to fruits, it's all go at this time of year in the garden. The greenhouses doing well too.

Computer Technicians on 1960s computer

Dead website kills pressure cooker!

Yesterday the web site was either offline or so slow as to be unusable for the day so I was batch cooking in the kitchen.

Heatwave Ends, Jobs get Done!

Now the heatwave has broken I can get on with the garden tasks, I think 2023 is going to be the year of fruit! Happy Solstice.

Compost Bins made from Pallets

Should you Compost Weeds?

Is it possible to compost weeds? The answer is that it depends. In this case on which weeds and how they’re composted.

Supermarket empty shelves

UK Food Security & Price Inflation

I've concerns that the flooding of Ukrainian farmland is going to inflate UK food prices. It’s worse than I thought..

Chilli Tip, Hay Fever, Germination Rates, Food Supply

Trying out a cool tip for growing peppers, germination rates down? Expect more price hikes due to the Ukraine war.

Cucumber Success, Sweet Potatoes, Savoys

From cucumbers to sweet potatoes, taking advantage of the glorious weather we're enjoying at the moment in Wales.

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