Harvesting Potatoes, Leafmould Stolen!

Harvesting Potatoes Continues

Down to the plot just after 2pm with the car boot full of more spent pots and the old rug from my office.

The spent pots were popped onto plot 29 and the rug, which was quite a big one, folded over to keep the big compost bin warm. Discovered some cheeky person had opened my leafmould cage and helped themselves to some. Whoever it was couldn’t be bothered to close it back up. I hate thieves and fellow allotment thieves really sadden me. They should know better. It’s not the taking, it’s the taking without asking and leaving a mess, sneaky scum.

Anyway, rant over and back to potatoes. I thought a few photographs would be in order and I had the camera, shame I hadn’t got a memory card in it!

OK, I put the spuds from last week into bags, thence into the car and dug up the rest of the potatoes, which went into the greenhouse.

Started shipping wood chippings down to reconstruct and recover the paths. Mr Mole has been very destructive on some of the paths, although his hills are made of really good fine soil. I think he’s hanging around the potato patch as the soil is swarming with fat juicy worms.

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