Clearing up the Allotment Plots

Clearing Up the Plots

Today was a tidy up session. Down to the plot in the car because I wanted to bring the potatoes back and there are too many to lug back. I realised today I’ve made a bit of a boob. I planted both Sarpo Axona and Sarpo Mira which have different cooking properties but they look pretty much the same. Which is which?

Some of the potatoes have blight, the smell is unmistakeable and they’re unsalvageable. Still, most are OK but too much slug damage, again.

I’ve been ignoring plot 5, I think partly because plot 29 is so visible being in the middle of the site and plot 5 is more hidden.. So today was plot 5 day. I cleared the remaining sweetcorn stalks, cutting them into 2 or 3 foot lengths with secateurs and adding them to the compost heap, layered with comfrey.

It’s quite amazing that I’m getting a cut off the comfrey at this time of year. Goes to show just how warm the weather is. We’ve yet to have a frost.

Next job was the runner bean teepees. I stopped harvesting ages ago and just left them standing. We’ve enough runner beans in the freezer to last ten years, or so it seems. But I do like the bean, so just leaving them to develop means we’ll have quite a few of them to go in soups and stews. Two and a half carrier bags full to shell.

So the runner beans took their place on the heap, the sun set in the west and I headed for home.

Back down to the plot in the morning as we have the press on site. Fame at last, although the local paper isn’t quite Hello magazine.

Once again, no photographs. This time I forgot the camera although it does have a memory card in it.

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