Photo Shoot on Site and Emptying the Compost Bin

Photo Shoot

Friday was a bit unusual, down to the plot for 10am because we were having a photo taken to promote the NVS. Myself, Larry and Gaynor, John Carver (the NVS chairman for our local branch) Janice and Johnny from plot 28 and their little girl with a big pumpkin in a wheelbarrow.  It went well but I don’t think my exhortations to John to ‘look sexy and pout at the camera’ really helped.

Back home for a cup of tea and then the rain came.

Compost Bin Emptied

Sunday started with a shopping trip, Id promised Gaynor to cast an eye on some PCs with her. Incredible how cheap they are now. Back home and some lunch then it was time to mow the lawn. Normally not a big job but it’s grown quite long and it’s wet so pretty hard work. I sowed some grass seed on a few bare patches and covered with some sand. Unfortunately my cat thought this was actually a new toilet and had dug down about three inches. Not a pleasant job, but got to be done.

Down to the plot around 3pm where I was in splendid isolation. Quite amazing that no one else was on the site as the weather was lovely although Janice turned up a bit before close of play. This time I managed to take my camera, with a memory card and took one photo before finding the batteries had run out.

Looking at the weeds and state of the plots, that’s probably a blessing.

Well I emptied the left compost bin on plot 5. Since the right one is full with sweetcorn stalks and bean foliage as much as anything, I need the space in there as I clear the plot. Eight barrow loads of compost were duly trundles to where the sweetcorn had been, pulling a muscle in the process.. Daresay I’ll survive.

Leeks & Beans

Taking a break from shifting compost, I dug a few leeks to go with our stew tonight. Val’s been busily shelling the runner beans, some of which will be going into the stew as well. The rest will be blanched and frozen, a large mixing bowl full (another of my scientific measurements). I love them and we have plenty of runners so the beans seemed a good way to get the most from what was left.


Despite my not getting the soil anything like and basically ignoring the brassica bed on plot 5, I ended up with a eight red cabbage hearts. I say hearts because the blessed slugs have had a field day and I needed to strip off the outer leaves along with the unwanted guests. The stalks and outer leaves made a start on the new heap,

Couple of barrow loads of wood chippings were dumped in front of the bin as the previous lot had rotted in.

The sun was setting fast, this hour change meaning I was headed back at 5pm. Personally, I’d rather it was put on than off, but I’m not a morning person.

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