Greenhouse Workstation and Allotment Web site

Allotment Web Site

Since the new offers from TwoWests took effect on the first October, I suppose I technically started the day by uploading the pages just after midnight.  The next job waited until this morning when I sent out emails to the forum members letting them know.

In theory, I can do this by writing the email once on the forum admin panel and sending it to everyone. Of course, it doesn’t work so things get a bit more complex. I download the database table from the server, strip out everything but names and emails and then mail merge to everyone. Ha, that doesn’t work either because my ISP’s mail server then decides something has gone wrong and disconnects me so the emails have to be split further into batches of 40.

Then just to add to the fun I realise I’ve sent one batch out from my business address rather then my private address so I have to send out a batch of apologies, The joys of a computer, press the wrong button once and go wrong many times.

By the time I’ve taken a browse around the forums, deleted yet more Russians advertising their web sites and answered a few emails it’s lunchtime and the sky has gone black.

Greenhouse Workstation

After a brunch and listening to Gardener’s Question Time (Radio 4, 2pm and on the BBC web site) I finally get everything into the car and head around the corner to the plot.

As I get to the gates, the skies opened and I mean opened up. The rain was bouncing off the ground so I just sat in the car until it eased. I wasn’t the only nutcase braving the weather on the site; Janice from plot 28 was just leaving and lamenting leaving her car window open.

So into the greenhouse where the rain, even power-shower cloudbursts don’t reach and I fitted up the workstation. I’m not very mechanical, so I always take my time and read the instructions three times. Only made one small mistake and it was up in an hour.

I must admit to being rather pleased with the results, looking at it up. It was a remarkably peaceful afternoon; just me, a wet pigeon and the rain beating on the glass.

Took a quick walk around between showers but there really wasn’t too much I could do as everything was wet.

There is a load to do on the plot, the green manure mustard is ready to cut back and dig in, weeding and clearing plus harvesting of everything from cabbages to more French beans.  Next week I suppose the list will be even longer.

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