Greenhouse Door, Strawberries, Beetroot and Tomatoes

Greenhouse Door

It’s been a busy week for me. One of the joys about working for yourself is that you can pick your own hours to some degree. One of the woes is that you don’t get credit for trying. Since Val is hobbling around with her right leg in plaster, I now have to be a taxi driver as well. So three nice days went by with me getting some new web sites launched and then Thursday afternoon was spent in the fracture clinic. Not a total loss as I caught up with some reading. Friday was taking Val to see her father which took me to today and the morning was spent trying to get a web site to talk to a database held on the other side of the world.

So, come the afternoon and I’d had more than enough of things and down to the plot.

The large greenhouse now has a working door although I need to make a replacement tongue for one side of the base to hold it steady in the channel. It closes though, which is a big relief because it will prevent strong winds from getting in and damaging the greenhouse. I’d hate to have spent so long building it to see it blown down in a gale.

I had hoped to be putting up my new greenhouse workstation, which arrived earlier this week but maybe tomorrow for that.

The door took quite a while, not least cleaning off the wheels and the wheel channel that was full of dirty and smelly grease mixed with soil. Despite scrubbing my hands I can still smell it now. No time at all was spent chatting to people on the site, honest.


Got a few more strawberries, about a pound, so hoping I can convince Val into making more conserve. We’ve gone through half a pot already and she only made two pots. The taste is something else, far better than the shop bought stuff.


I don’t like beetroot myself, but Val does so took home a couple of golf ball sized ones for her. She’s been pickling beetroot this week and apparently my beetroots meet her exacting quality standards. That’s a relief.


Despite botrytis, blight, woodlice and slugs, I still managed to take a few more pounds of nice plum tomatoes home.

The Web Site

Today is the last day of September and I’ve new offers from TwoWests to put online – they’ve really come through this month even paraffin heaters as requested, which was a pleasant surprise. See Offers Page

I’m getting a little tired with the constant battle to keep spammers off the forums. These lowlifes seem to prefer weekends to infiltrate but each morning I usually have to delete one or two. So an upgrade to the forums is in the offing after some anti-spam research.

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