Strawberries, Cauliflowers and Cucumbers

Where do the days go?

Saturday down to the plot but not until 3pm with the car loaded with more pots of spent compost and the big bag of green waste for the compost bin. I’d have got down earlier but I’m still playing chauffeur to M’Lady, who is still plastered. Off to pop into the shop, which ends up as a tour. We do quite a bit of work on the net, often copying from one document to another and Aldi’s had a TFT monitor exactly the same as Val’s existing one for ?100. When you’ve worked on two monitors, you never go back  and they save a lot of time for you.

So back to the plot. Dumped the spent pots onto the plot and the green waste into the big green bin that had already sunk enough to fit it all in. Millions of little flies swarmed out when I opened the lid, horrible things in my hair.

Cut the rest of the haulm off the potatoes on plot 29 and piled them up in the big corrugated iron bin where they sit four feet above the top. I suppose they’ll sink down fast enough,

Managed to find about half a pound of strawberries so hope that Val has enough to make another batch of conserve. Yum Yum.

The last of the half dozen cauliflowers looked about ready, so popped that in the harvest bag. It had two fat grey slugs munching away under the leaves, so they got bisected. Better a bug than pesticide, but not very appetising all the same.

Val had asked if we had any cucumbers left, so checked the last plant and treated her to eight cucumbers. More cucumber and pepper relish coming up.

Sunday’s plan was to go and look at a poultry ark I’ve seen in the local paper and to the plot after. That was the plan but, as usual, things don’t work like that. Since Val has the second monitor, updating her PC seemed sensible and it’s now 6pm and still underway. Someone told me computers save time.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll get down to the plot.

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