Harvesting Sweetcorn and Keeping Chickens on the Allotment

Sweetcorn and Chickens

Went down in the afternoon and took the ripe cobs off the sweetcorn. It’s done really well this year, even kernels, full cobs and very tasty. So far I have had 33 cobs and there are more still to come from 35 plants.

I also cleared the tendercrop dwarf French beans from the top of plot 5, another half a carrier bag. I just can’t throw decent beans onto the compost heap. Despite some serious food parcel donation to friends and relatives we have enough for a year or two in the freezers.

I want to clear some space for autumn planted Japanese onion sets – these will go with the leeks I think. Also need to think about garlic. Funny, the harvest not finished and I’m planning next year.

Took up a few carrots – another half carrier.

Back to the ranch, where the cobs were blanched and frozen within a couple of hours. I strip the corn from the cob with a sharp knife and we ended up with 17 portions. We tend to freeze everything in portion sizes. If we have more than the two of us for a meal we just take out an extra portion.


Had two letters from the council this morning. The first was an invite to the prizegiving evening but we’re in Spain. Never mind.

The second was a response to my letter regarding keeping hens. A nice letter where he agrees to re-consider their position at a meeting on 6th October which will be attended by the allotment consultation panel.

Some serious planning for my next moves is required.

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