A glorious day – quite hot for heavy work but better than cold.
Finished digging in the turkey litter to where the early potatoes were lifted on plot 5 and then commenced building a compost heap.
Compost Heap Construction
At the base I placed some woody materials to allow a little airflow and then piled the broad bean haulm that has been waiting where I cut them (leaving the roots in the soil to add nitrogen) on top.
This made a layer about 8″ deep and I then took a cut of comfrey and added a 3″ layer. After this it was a matter of alternating layers that had been waiting in the other bin with layers of comfrey.
The comfrey will act as an activator and help the heap to cook. 4 good cuts from the comfrey this year and at least one more to come.
I then finished turning over where the broad beans were and after feeding the tomatoes in the growbags called it a day.
Ben is back
Despite the council placing poison baits around the site, Ben the rat is still here. He lept from the compost heap as I approached and ran into the woods. Must admit to thinking he (or she) is kind of cute.
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