Seed Sowing in the Potting Shed

In the potting shed

Although the sun managed to show his face this afternoon, the ground is very wet so I squelched up the stepping stones to the potting shed and had a an hours break from the infernal machine (my computer hates me!)

Seed Sowing

I sowed the following:

  • Cabbage – Primo summer cabbage

  • Broccoli ? Autumn Calabrese (cheap seeds from Wilko’s)

  • Courgette ? Black Beauty and Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn are, as the name suggests,  yellow and seemed to do well last year.

  • Butternut Squash ? seeds from the HDRA

  • Butternut Squash ? seeds from Wilko so it will be interesting to see if they are much different to the HDRA seeds.

  • Pumpkin ? Jack O”Lantern. These are mainly for the benefit of the heard of nephews and nieces at Halloween.

  • Squash ? Sunburst. These are small star shaped yellow squashes. One plant will be more than enough.

  • Marrow ? Green Bush. Hopefully these will not get pinched by the kids who got them last year.

  • Cucumber ? Tasty King. This will go into the greenhouse if I ever get it built.

  • Cucumber ? Burpless Tasty Green. I love these. Spiny skin so they need peeling but a wonderful taste and very prolific as an outside cucumber.

  • Lettuce ? Little Gem. Normally you sow lettuce direct but I?m hoping to get a few off to an early start. I find one small Little Gem is ideal for two or three people.

Watering and sorting

Next job was to find room to put things so much juggling of seed trays to fit everything in the greenhouse and watering as required.

I?m hopeful of a nice day or two soon so I can catch up on the plot but working the soil when it is really wet is counter-productive. Hearing about the hosepipe bans in the south seems quite surreal when we?re coping with paddy fields.

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